Health is the great promise of our time. We go to great lengths to achieve it. We track and train, consume superfoods and supplements. We trust in the latest research and rely on cutting-edge medicine. With success: we’re living longer than ever before.
At the same time, we face pressing questions. How do we cope with illness? How healthy is healthy enough? Who is responsible for health, and who pays the price? An interactive circuit—mood-enhancing, prescription-free, and no referral needed.
Plan your visit to “Health first. An exhibition with side effects”. All information on opening hours, entrance fees and bookings.
Everything about accessibility at the Stapferhaus and the exhibition. With information in simple language in German.
Whether as a family, association, group of co-workers or friends, here you will find the right offer for your group visit.
Guides tours and workshops for school classes, didactic materials and further information for teachers.
(in German)
Our health is closely connected to our environment – a topic that was already the focus of our previous exhibition ‘Nature. And us?’. And even though the exhibition itself is a thing of the past, its content lives on:
- In collaboration with Migros-Kulturprozent, we have created an interactive adventure trail, which in 2025 will invite visitors in four Migros parks to an adventure of discovery, free of charge – to explore on your own or as part of a guided tour. The tour is held in German and French and in 2026 will also take place in French speaking Switzerland at the Parc Pré Vert in Bougy-Villars. All information about the adventure trail ‘Nature. And you?’. (in German)
- The Human Rights Festival 2025 in Zurich shows the Atrato Pavilion from the exhibition ‘Nature. And us?’. All information on Human Rights Festival.

(in German)
Visionen für das Gesundheitssystem
Die neun Visionen für das Gesundheitssystem aus der Ausstellung sind auf unserer Website versammelt: Visionen für das Gesundheitssystem

5 gute Gründe für den Familienbesuch im Stapferhaus
Wir werden oft gefragt: ist «Hauptsache gesund. Eine Ausstellung mit Nebenwirkungen» auch für Kinder geeignet? Unsere Antwort: Na klar! 5 gut Gründe für den Familienbesuch im Stapferhaus

Wer ist verantwortlich für unsere Gesundheit?
In ihrem Essay aus der Publikation «Hauptsache gesund? 33 Fragen – 111 Antworten» geht die Ärztin und Aktivistin Bea Albermann der Frage nach, wer für unsere Gesundheit verantwortlich ist.

Which exhibition is currently on at the Stapferhaus?
How long does a museum visit last?
There is no limit for the time you spend at the Stapferhaus. We recommend that visitors allow for 2-4 hours. Enjoy the visit and choose the places that you intuitively find most exciting.
We recommend that school classes allow for 2 to 2.5 hours for the visit, including an introduction or interactive guided tour.
Can I take my dog along to the exhibition or to the café?
I can no longer make a reservation through the booking tool. Can I still come?
I have a booking, but I can’t make it. What do I have to do?
I want to visit the Stapferhaus with a group. What do I do?
For groups larger than 10 people, please use the booking tool on the group page. Use the tool even if you don’t require a guided tour and just want to visit the exhibition independently as a group.
Choose a date and time for your desired visit. If a certain time isn’t available, it means it coincides with another group reservation. In that case, please choose an alternative time and day.
Also smaller groups (less than 10 people), who would like an introduction or guided tour, are advised to reserve via the booking tool. Smaller groups, that do not want any additional offers, reserve via the booking tool.
Of course, we are happy to welcome and accommodate spontaneous smaller groups (less than 10 people) too.
My group can’t make it after all or I have to postpone our visit. What should I do?
Our group is on its way, but we’re running late. What should I do?
Is a visit to the Stapferhaus suitable for a family or with children?
Yes, by all means! Grandparents and other caregivers can also come to the Stapferhaus with their (grand)children. Children must be accompanied by an adult when visiting the exhibition.
There are kids stations throughout the exhibition where the little ones can tend to and care for a cuddly toy. We have teddy bears and doctor’s suitcases you can borrow from reception. Of course, children can also bring their own soft toy.
I would like to visit outside the opening hours. Is that possible?
Yes, if we have the capacity, we will be happy to open the museum for you outside opening hours. Prices and conditions can be found here. Our administration team would be your first point of contact, if you are interested in booking a visit outside our opening hours.
Contact Administration
+41 (0) 62 886 62 22
I would like to organise my event, a seminar or a team meeting at the Stapferhaus. How do I go about this?
Several rooms in the Stapferhaus are available for rental. You can find all the information and prices in the room rental section and in our portfolio (in German). If you have found an offer that suits you or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
I would like to book a table at the café. How do I go about it?
Is the cloakroom monitored?
I lost or forgot something during my visit. Where can I report it?
Co-concept and dramaturgy
Concept and dramaturgy / Concept et dramaturgie
Stapferhaus: Sibylle Lichtensteiger und Sonja Enz
Research and implementation
Stapferhaus: Lisa Gnirss, Nicolas Hermann, Julia Hochuli, Sophie Ofer, Frieder Schaupp, Joël Luc Cachelin (Mitarbeit Statistik-Recherche)
Co-conception, exhibition design, communication design
Kossmanndejong: Robin Schijfs (Designleitung), Pauline Fer, Simpson Tse, Wendy Snoek, Susan van den Berg
Kossmanndejong: Robin Schijfs, Simpson Tse, Johannes Verwoerd
Stapferhaus: Sophie Stahlberger, Lea Büchl (Statistiken), Pia Bublies, Flensburg (Illustration Medikamente)
Construction, exhibition technology, sound engineering
Stapferhaus: Lukas Steiner (Leitung), Frank Niklaus (u.a. Sounddesign)
Construction team
Stapferhaus: Janina Balsiger, Linus Baumeler, Toni Brunschwiler, Daniel Desborough, Tom Karrer, Mathias Pabst, Luca Portner, Dominik Rožman, Noël Schulhof, Roman Sonderegger, Gian-Andrea Vögeli
Media technology, installation and programming
Tweaklab AG, Basel: Roland Brönnimann (Planung),
Elkana Aron, Stephan Brunner, Julien Félix, Ella Hächler, Lucas Löw (Programmierung), Thomas Büchler, Sarah Glauser, Remo Hobi, David Pfluger (Installation), Kaspar Hochuli, Gautam Kansara (Medienbearbeitung)
Tokyoblue, Zürich: Serge Schmuki, Dietmar Borth (Design & Planung), Quirin Hilzinger (Installation), Karl Egli (Programmierung);
Stagelight, Herisau: Stefan Falk (Installation);
Stageparts, Stein AR: Jürg Bichsel (Rigging & Höhenarbeiten)
Stapferhaus (Konzept, Interviews, Drehbuch, Rohschnitt);
Lomotion, Bern: David Röthlisberger (Kamera, Postproduktion),
Fabian Krebs (Kameraassistenz, Ton), Carlo El Basbasi (Koordination), Amaury Berger (Schnitt), Louis Mataré (Produktion), Balthasar
Jucker (Postproduktion Ton)
Editing and animation
xkopp, Berlin / Köln (Notfallraum): Eike Mählmann (Leitung), Lotti van Baars, Jason George, Irek Krett, Matthias Schrei, Saskia Weisheit (Stimme OP);
Adelina Lahr, Zürich (Diagnose);
Kossmanndejong (Psychotherapie und Austritt)
Michael Flury (Posaune, Arrangement)
Children’s trail
Benno Muheim (Text, Stimme und Lied), Simon Wunderlin (Sounddesign, Produktion und Regie), Julia Leitmeyer (Illustration)
Ross Benjamin, New York (E); Soliman Lawrence, Berlin (E);
Evelyne Dengler-Mahé, Wien (F)
gato verde, Winterthur (D, E, F): Peter Jud, Brendan Keagan (Lektorat), Jessica Stabile
Stapferhaus: Andjelka Antonijevic, Celia Bachmann, Julia Kamperdick
Installations, framework
Meier & Mathis Schreinerei, Lenzburg: Urs Meier, Thomas Keller, Roman Schauli; Wülser Metallbau, Lenzburg: Stefan Wülser, Oli Mattenberger, Tobias Maurer, Sämi Bolliger; Acrytech AG, Egliswil: Jürg Bärtschi, Silvia Schild Bärtschi
Creadecor, Reinach (Druck); Bodenbeläge, Seon (Teppiche);
Beat Gehrig, Nicolas Aeschimann und Rino Dössegger,
Kimon Regli, Romano Vogler
Schlegel & Co., Basel; Showtex, Soest (NL);
Hangzhou Huisheng Knitting and Textile, Zhejiang (CN)
Lampshades bistro and hanging questions
Printing and production
Printpark, Suhr: Samuel Niederer, Chiara Maugeri, Jennifer Bächli, Marzohl, Reinach; Van Raalte Displays, Voorschoten (NL);
Druckerei Odermatt, Dallenwil
Operations, communications and mediation
General management
Sibylle Lichtensteiger (bis Dez 2024), Michael Arnold, Celia Bachmann und Sonja Enz (ab Januar 2025)
Commercial management
Michael Arnold
Mediation and inclusion
Celia Bachmann
Mediation team
Ausstellungsbegleiter:innen in wechselnder Besetzung
Julia Kamperdick (Leitung), Andjelka Antonijevic, Sophie Stahlberger (Grafik)
Fundraising and partnerships
Annina Veith
Events and customer service
Friederike von Leoprechting (Leitung), Karin Alder, Carmen Roth, Janine Vonderach
Finance and HR
Karin Wynen (Leitung), Roland Holliger
Exhibition technology, sound engineering
Lukas Steiner (Leitung), Frank Niklaus (u.a. Sounddesign)
Bistro and reception
Regina Frischknecht (Leitung Empfang), Karin Schwarz (Leitung Empfang & Bistro), Florence Allemann, Vreni Feigel, Beatrice Gut, Claudia Lugg, Monika Lüscher, Maria Neves, Gian-Andrea Semadeni sowie Aushilfsmitarbeitende
Property maintenance
Stefan Riess, Romeo Ortelli
H.U.B.I. Gebäudereinigungen, Möriken-Wildegg
CS-Computing GmbH, Aarau Rohr; welante GmbH, Solothurn
Stillhart Konzept, Zürich: Jane Schindler;
Übersetzung Website: Nina Kälin (E); Anne Rivet (F)
Photographs & Video
Anita Affentranger, Zürich (Bilder);
Bilder und Freunde, Zürich (Video)