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Das Stapferhaus: Ein dunkler, markanter Holzbau mit Pergola und Vorplatz an einem sonnigen Tag mit Schleierwolken.
At the Stapferhaus, right next to Lenzburg railway station, the big questions of the present stand at the forefront: what impacts our lives, what triggers the country’s interest and what moves the world. In interactive, sensory exhibition worlds, we invite you – in an entertaining way – to take a critical look at the central issues of our time.


The Stapferkreis is the circle of friends of the Stapferhaus. As a friend or patron, you support our work with an amount of your choice – and maintain a stimulating exchange with us.

An amount of your choice
CHF 1,000 or more annually
CHF 2,500 or more annually

As a member you have direct contact to the Stapferhaus, allowing you to receive first-hand information and benefit from exclusive offers.